Egyptian Pyramid Architecture

The architectural masterpiece

You have probably heard strange things about the Egyptian pyramids. Something about the extraterrestrials of the architects and workers who created these pyramids. Until now, no one knows exactly which legend about the Egyptian pyramids is true or which one is more believable. Therefore, this case has become a legend and a mystery.  Here are some facts related to Egyptian pyramids and its architecture. Stay with us.

Ancient Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian architecture is one of the architectural styles of the world. As you know, during 10 thousand years, the ancient Egyptian civilization located in the Nile Valley is considered one of the most prominent civilizations of its time.

Even today, architectural works such as the Sphinx and the Triple Pyramids are included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. Egypt has a simple geography (include, river, desert and rock). But it has a complex and mysterious architecture. The banks of the Nile, 900 km long and 16 km wide, have been the source of life for this land and its inhabitants, and we can boldly say, it is considered the vital artery of Egyptian civilization.

In Egypt, unlike in Mesopotamia, we witness the creation of a single and long civilization and empire with single traditions – single religion and beliefs and single military, social, cultural and economic system. This can be the reason why Egypt has an independent, stable and intact identity in artistic fields.

Egyptian architecture has been the story of the secrets and genius of the architects of this ancient land throughout history, which has led to the creation of unique masterpieces called Egypt.

The architecture of the Egyptian pyramids

As we mentioned, the Egyptian pyramids and its architecture have become one of the most mysterious topics among people and different societies. No one knows exactly who built these pyramids. Or how and by whom was its complex system created and implemented.

But the unique architectural power of the Egyptian triple pyramids and the art used in it; is exactly what exists and everyone can see. Here we have reviewed some of these. First, the Material.

The material

It is interesting to know, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only wonder of the ancient world that has remained until today. This building is attributed to Khufu or Cheops, the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Even with modern technology, its construction is challenging for engineers, laborers and geologists.

It is the largest pyramid ever built. HOW WONDER!

The triangular egyptian pyramids are made of limestone, granite, basalt, plaster (mortar) and baked mud bricks. Limestone blocks were quarried from the Giza area and possibly other places. Granite was also probably transported to this area from the Aswan River. Alabaster stone from Luxor and basalt stone from Fayum area.

One of the most popular architecture in ancient Egypt was Imhotep. He is the first engineer, architect and doctor whose name has been mentioned in history. In general, the architecture of Egypt was established in the beginning, with buildings made of clay and wood and materials like these. Imhotep was the first to popularize carved buildings.

Imhotep was one of the chief officials of the Pharaoh Djoser. Concurring with much later legends, Egyptologists credit him with the design and construction of the Pyramid of Djoser, a step pyramid at Saqqara built during the 3rd Dynasty. He may also have been responsible for the first known use of stone columns to support a building. Despite these later attestations, the pharaonic Egyptians themselves never credited Imhotep as the designer of the stepped pyramid, nor with the invention of stone architecture.

How were stone materials transported?

No one knows how the workers were able to transport the 2.5 ton stone blocks from the quarries to the construction site of the pyramids. Using wheels and moving on desert sand has not worked. On the other hand, that was impossible. Therefore, it is likely that the blocks were pulled with wooden sleds and ropes.

According to some researchers, the workers used circular wooden sledges that were placed around a rectangular stone block. They would attach the sledges to a block of stone and a crew of eight would roll them across the ground, much like rolling a barrel. Others believe that the workers used wooden rollers. But nothing has been proven about this.

The influence of Egyptian architecture on Greece

Greeks adapted from Egyptian columns and then completed it. The architecture of the Egyptian pyramids inspired the Greeks. In fact, the Greeks adapted the Egyptian columns and then completed them. Among the magnificent Egyptian buildings, we should mention the portal temples, these buildings had huge pediments on which carved and embossed motifs were embedded.

On the entrance of these temples there was a place to install big flags. The doors of these temples were so big and massive that the entire temple building was affected by this situation.