A Few Words

About Me

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.

I’m Ala

a mother, an interior designer and architect but firstly I started to study IT but I found out that my profession is to design, play with colors and materials.

Useful Marketing
Beside my professional career which I joyfully persuading I find myself being motivated every day to be a mother who must be successful to give her positive energy to her son in order to make him successful either. This energy wakes me up every day to be better designer, architect and… in order to be better person and better mom.

Looking forward for your support.

Raam smart magazine started its first publishment in 2019. In the beginning I have started this profession with the help of my friends. The core idea of this Raam is to represent the materials in social media and hardcopy versions. Each time which Raam is published we have held a glorias ceremony in order to gather the manufactures designers and buyers together

How Does It Work

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